Inspire travelers and benefit from unique conditions.

Increase your sales by listing experiences and letting our platform handle the entire process. Fast, intuitive and guaranteed no legwork!

Minimal feesWith our low fees, we help you to optimize your costs. Fair and transparent!
More customer proximityUse the chat to clear up any ambiguity. For us, more customer proximity means satisfied travelers and partners. Use the chat to clear up any ambiguity. For us, more customer proximity means satisfied travelers and partners.
Everything on our platformOur platform supports the entire process and allows maximum flexibility.

Learn more from our partners

It doesn't matter what we think. Even though we are a startup and in the process of building, check out the first experiences.
Hosting on this platform has streamlined my entire process. I’ve moved from paper bookings to digital.DarrenPartner in London
I can’t believe how much more business I have booked through this platform. So easy to use!KateHost in Paris
I can’t believe how much more business I have booked through this platform. So easy to use!RaynHost in Paris

We’re here to help

List experiences immediately

List your offers independently and inform customers about the details and availability. Take bookings directly. Booking confirmations and customer management are automatic.

Receive payments

No need to split the bill in person, receive cash payments and have to update your financial records. One payment per party all paid online before they arrive. Receive one-time payments at regular intervals. Automatically, transparently and quickly.

Chat with users

Direct messages allow misunderstandings and changes to be communicated on an ongoing basis.

Handle bookings

See all upcoming bookings for the near future to enable easier scheduling.

ThroughWorld Numbers


Total partners on our platform from 6 countries


Total experience listings for users to browse


Available platform languages

Still have questions?

How high are the fees?

We charge a uniform fee of 9.9% per booking for all providers. No other fixed costs.

Why don't you work with channel managers?

We believe in operating as an independent and fair platform. We work with partners who share this vision and are looking for long-term success.

What payment methods do you offer?

Credit cards and PayPal.

Is everything automated?

We are constantly working on automating as many processes as possible. Currently (almost) everything runs automatically. We are happy to receive suggestions for improvement.

Can I post offers on my own?

Yes, we want self-determined partners who act on their own responsibility. This requires trust and high standards.

Join us

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